In this anthology you find a little bit of everything. kinda like ordering a Poo Poo Platter from a Chinese restaurant.
Reflected by John Hines Jr. A first person, trip with a drug that puts into a new mind state.
Family Dinner by Daniel Scott Buck. A family dinner with hate thrown across the table from the strange people who sit at it. Sister stroking and pampering a plastic baby doll its real she says.
Chris Roberts has to stories in this anthology his style is something very different. kinda a poetic sense. Plastic Meow & Millicent A GREAT READ! other stories I enjoyed
-Im dreaming of a white Xmas
-Untitled by anonymous
-God on TV by CM3
-The Jukebox.....
-Death in Large Numbers by Stephen J. Anderson
-nightmare and dreamscape by Agni Kudra.
Check this out