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Geek Love
Katherine Dunn
The Chameleon Couch
Yusef Komunyakaa

Falling from the Sky

Falling from the Sky (Anthology) - Anonymous, Carlton Mellick III, Jeremy Robert Johnson, Kevin L. Donihe, Gina Ranalli, Daniel Scott Buck, Chris Roberts, Tom Thompson, Tony O'Neill, Kate Holden, John Hines Jr., Kristopher Young, Janis Butler Holm, Lindsay Bull, Greg Gerding, Joe Shipley, Kirsty Carse, San In this anthology you find a little bit of everything. kinda like ordering a Poo Poo Platter from a Chinese restaurant.
Reflected by John Hines Jr. A first person, trip with a drug that puts into a new mind state.
Family Dinner by Daniel Scott Buck. A family dinner with hate thrown across the table from the strange people who sit at it. Sister stroking and pampering a plastic baby doll its real she says.
Chris Roberts has to stories in this anthology his style is something very different. kinda a poetic sense. Plastic Meow & Millicent A GREAT READ! other stories I enjoyed
-Im dreaming of a white Xmas
-Untitled by anonymous
-God on TV by CM3
-The Jukebox.....
-Death in Large Numbers by Stephen J. Anderson
-nightmare and dreamscape by Agni Kudra.
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