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Geek Love
Katherine Dunn
The Chameleon Couch
Yusef Komunyakaa

Always Remember to Tip Your Ninja: And Other Maxims for the Clinically Absurd

Always Remember to Tip Your Ninja: And Other Maxims for the Clinically Absurd - Jeremy C. Shipp Not what I expected. well I thought it came with a short story or two as well. But definitely made me say Mr. Shipp is one that flew way over the cuckoo's nest.
A few of my favorites words of wisdom or what you want to call em.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, if you throw it hard enough.

Talking toilets have potty mouths.

Those who live in glass houses, shouldn't do nude yoga.

Don't raise an army of flying monkeys unless you're a fan of flying poop.