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Tirza - Arnon Grunberg, Sam Garrett I received a copy of "Tirza by Arnon Grunberg" from Open Letter Press in exchange for review.

Jorgen Hofmeester is a father of two daughters and lives the life as a publisher and a landlord. Renting out the upstairs of his house to locals or travelers. After losing his first daughter to growing up and moving out. He has his last daughter left "Tirza"

Throwing a going away party for his daughter takes a few unexpected turns, including his wife returning after 3 years of not being around. She tries to come back into Tirza and Hofmeester's life and gets a cold shoulder.

After a Tirza leaves to travel to Africa with her boy friend. Who her father thinks looks like Mohammed Atta (the man behind the plane crash of the world trade center) Hofmeester goes to Africa for a surprise visit.

The surprise is what he confesses to a nine year old girl he meets in Africa. A huge twist I was not expected, well worth the 400+ page read.