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Geek Love
Katherine Dunn
The Chameleon Couch
Yusef Komunyakaa


Detritus - Michael R. Colangelo, Kealan Patrick Burke, Jeremy C. Shipp, Mary Borsellino, Louise Bohmer, Michael Montoure, Neil Davies, Pete Clark, Kate Jonez, L.S. Murphy, S.P. Miskowski, Shannon Giglio Giglio, Brent Michael Kelley, Phil Hickes, Edmund Colell, Lee Widener, Opal Edg Detritus a collection of stories about collections of strange and grotesque things people decide to horde for whatever reason. Hearts from living people, clocks to stay in tune with their pacemakers and severed heads. Overall the shorts gave me a lot of yawns.

(Shots and Cuts by Mary Borsellino) Real articles about killers and lesbians doing shitty stuff. And YouTube videos with people's reactions. After watching them. 3.5★'s

(The Tick Rock Heart by L.S. Murphy) When her sister comes to visit with her heart out of tune. She says "I can fix it" 3.5★'s

(Candy Lady by Neil Davies) a bloody collection. The story of a stalker. 4★'s

(Crawling the Insect Life by Opal Edgar) A Creepy taxidermist finally set free of his cumbersome emotions. Sure to have you checking you pillows before you go to bed 4★'s